Flemoxin Solutab - instructions for use, analogs, testimonials and release forms (tablets 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg and 1000 mg) of the drug for the treatment of angina, sinusitis and other infections in adults, children and pregnancy

Flemoxin Solutab - instructions for use, analogs, testimonials and release forms (tablets 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg and 1000 mg) of the drug for the treatment of angina, sinusitis and other infections in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Flemoxin Solutab. Comments of visitors of the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of specialists on the use of Flemoxin Solutab in their practice are presented. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Flemoxin Solutab in the presence of existing structural analogues. The use for the treatment of angina, sinusitis and other infections in adults, children,as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Flemoxin Solutab - an antibiotic of a group of semisynthetic penicillins of a wide spectrum of action. It is a 4-hydroxyl analogue of ampicillin. Has a bactericidal effect. It is active against aerobic gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.


To Amoxicillin (the active substance of the preparation Flemoxin Solutab) microorganisms producing penicillinase are resistant.


In combination with metronidazole, it shows activity against Helicobacter pylori. It is believed that amoxicillin inhibits the development of Helicobacter pylori resistance to metronidazole.


Between amoxicillin and ampicillin there is cross-resistance.


The spectrum of antibacterial action expands with simultaneous use of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid beta-lactamase inhibitor. In this combination, the activity of Flemoxin Solutab increases with respect to Bacteroides spp., Legionella spp., Nocardia spp., Pseudomonas (Burkholderia) pseudomallei. However, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens and many other Gram-negative bacteria remain resistant.




When ingestion Flemoxin Solutab quickly and completely absorbed from the digestive tract, does not break down in the acidic environment of the stomach. When the dose is doubled, the concentration also doubles.In the presence of food in the stomach does not reduce the total absorption. Widely distributed in tissues and body fluids. High concentrations of amoxicillin in the liver are reported (therefore simultaneous intake of ethanol (alcohol) adversely affects this organ with the possibility of developing liver failure).


About 60% of the dose taken orally is excreted unchanged in the urine by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion. Some amount of amoxicillin is determined in the feces.


In small amounts, amoxicillin penetrates through the BBB during inflammation of the soft dura mater.



  • Infectious and inflammatory diseases (respiratory, genitourinary, skin) caused by sensitive microorganisms, including bronchitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis, gastrointestinal infections, gynecological infections, infectious diseases of the skin and soft tissues, listeriosis, leptospirosis, gonorrhea;
  • For use in combination with metronidazole: chronic gastritis in the phase of exacerbation, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute phase associated with Helicobacter pylori.


Forms of release


Tablets are dispersible 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg and 1000 mg.


Instructions for use and dosage


The drug is taken orally. The drug is prescribed before, during or after a meal. The tablet can be swallowed whole, divided into parts or chewed with a glass of water, and can also be diluted in water to form a syrup (in 20 ml) or a suspension (in 100 ml) with a pleasant fruit taste.


The dosage regimen is set individually, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease, the sensitivity of the pathogen to the drug, the age of the patient.


In the case of infectious-inflammatory diseases of mild and moderate severity, the use of the drug according to the following scheme is recommended: adults and children over 10 years of age are prescribed 500-750 mg 2 times a day or 375-500 mg 3 times a day; children aged 3 to 10 years are prescribed 375 mg twice a day or 250 mg 3 times a day; children aged 1 to 3 years are prescribed 250 mg twice a day or 125 mg 3 times a day.


The daily dose of the drug for children (including children under 1 year) is 30-60 mg / kg per day, divided into 2-3 doses.


In the treatment of severe infections, as well as with hard-to-reach foci of infection (eg, acute otitis media), a three-time administration is recommended.


In chronic diseases, recurrent infections, heavy infections, adults are prescribed 0.75-1 g 3 times a day; Children - 60 mg / kg per day, divided into 3 doses.


In acute uncomplicated gonorrhea appoint 3 g of the drug in 1 dose in combination with 1 g of probenecid.


Patients with impaired renal function with KK≤10 ml / min dose of the drug reduced by 15-50%.


In the case of infections of mild and moderate severity, the drug is taken within 5-7 days. However, for infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes, the duration of treatment should be at least 10 days.


Taking the drug should be continued within 48 hours after the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.


Side effect

  • change in taste;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • dysbiosis;
  • stomatitis, glossitis;
  • hepatic cholestasis;
  • pseudomembranous and hemorrhagic colitis;
  • leukopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia;
  • excitement, anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • ataxia;
  • confusion of consciousness;
  • behavior change;
  • depression;
  • peripheral neuropathy;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • skin reactions, mainly in the form of a specific maculopapular rash;
  • hives;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • erythematous rashes;
  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • arthralgia;
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • allergic vasculitis;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • angioedema;
  • labored breathing;
  • Candidomycosis of the vagina;
  • superinfection (especially in patients with chronic diseases or reduced resistance of the body).



  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • increased sensitivity to other beta-lactam antibiotics, incl. to other penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Use of the drug Flemoksin Soljutab during pregnancy and lactation is possible if the expected benefit of therapy for the mother outweighs the risk of side effects in the fetus and infant.


In small amounts, amoxicillin is excreted in breast milk, which can lead to the development of sensitization in the infant.


Use in children


It is used in children according to indications according to the dosing regimen (including infants and newborns).


special instructions


Prescribe the drug to patients with infectious mononucleosis and lymphocytic leukemia should be used with caution, since the likelihood of occurrence of exanthema of non-allergic genesis is high.


The presence of erythrodermia in an anamnesis is not a contraindication for the appointment of Flemoxin Solutab.


Possible cross-resistance with penicillin series and cephalosporins.


The appearance of severe diarrhea, characteristic of pseudomembranous colitis, is an indication for the withdrawal of the drug.


At course treatment it is necessary to monitor the status of the function of the organs of hematopoiesis, liver and kidneys.


It is possible to develop superinfection by increasing the microflora insensitive to the drug, which requires an appropriate change in antibacterial therapy.


Whenever estrogen-containing oral contraceptives and amoxicillin are used concurrently, other or additional contraceptive methods should be used.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


There was no reported adverse effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles or work with mechanisms.


Drug Interactions


Probenecid, phenylbutazone, oxyphenbutazone, diuretics, allopurinol, NSAIDs, to a lesser extent - Acetylsalicylic acid and sulfinpyrazone inhibit the tubular secretion of penicillins, which leads to an increase in T1 / 2 and an increase in the concentration of amoxicillin in the blood plasma.


Bactericidal antibiotics (including aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, vancomycin, rifampicin) with simultaneous reception show synergism.


Possible antagonism when taken with certain bacteriostatic drugs (for example, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides).


Simultaneous administration of Flemoxin Solutab with estrogen-containing oral contraceptives can reduce the effectiveness of the latter and increase the risk of acyclic bleeding.


Antacids, glucosamine, laxatives, aminoglycosides, food, reduce absorption. Ascorbic acid increases absorption.


Increases the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants (suppressing the intestinal microflora, reduces the synthesis of vitamin K and prothrombin index); increases absorption of digoxin.


Simultaneous use of amoxicillin with Allopurinol increases the risk of skin rash.


Analogues of the drug Flemoxin Solutab


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Amoxisar;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Amoxicillin DS;
  • Amoxicillin sodium is sterile;
  • Amoxicillin Sandoz;
  • Amoxicillin-ratiopharm;
  • Amoxicillin trihydrate;
  • Amosin;
  • Gonoform;
  • Grunamox;
  • Danemox;
  • Ospamox;
  • Hiconcile;
  • EcoBall.

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Reviews (76):
doctor DO
A good brand antibiotic, with a lot of research sharpened specially for it. Well helps with various bacterial infections (tonsillitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia). Viruses are not useful for treating them, so you do not want to knock down the temperature with the flu - it will not help. In the rest, Flemoxin Solutab is my drug of choice from the penicillin group.
People are cautious consequences - severe abdominal pain and allergies.
However, the consequences, like many antibiotics.
And still such consequences as a vomiting, a drowsiness, a giddiness, acceleration of intimate or cardiac reductions and still it is a lot of everything ((((
In my opinion, a wonderful antibiotic. At the elder daughter (to her now 3 years) this antibiotic treated an angina, in a combination to other preparations has shown itself magnificently. No side effects were observed.
I had itching and unpleasant sensations in the perineum. I had to interrupt the course of treatment.
Should I immediately adopt Linex? or after a course of antibiotic?
Yuliya, Immediately take probiotics (one of the representatives of which is Lineks) is not worth it, since the logic here is such that everything you take bacterial (useful bacteria) is then destroyed by another antibiotic intake (this, if simplified,since the concentration of antibiotic in the blood is maintained at a constant level by regular intake of the drug). So it is more reasonable to take probiotics and Linex, including, after a course of antibiotic therapy.
Tell me, please, did anyone take this antibiotic during pregnancy, were there any consequences? And in general, does the antibiotic affect the baby?
Yuliya, On the site you will answer a maximum of 1-2 people and rely on this data, I would not advise you. Reception of an antibiotic during pregnancy is allowed only on strict indications and if you have been appointed, it means that there is no possibility to do without medication (expert incompetence we will throw aside, but if you do not trust the doctor, it is better to replace it with another). This is my advice to you.
Somebody took with genyantritis? Does it help quickly? 23 years! And who were at this age of side ??
Sergei, You can answer me :). About the speed I can say that the genyantritis with any antibiotic can not be cured quickly, it's very bad, sometimes you have to go through repeated antibiotic treatment of other groups. Side effects for your age are unlikely, except idiopathic reactions caused by the individual reaction of the body to a particular medicine, but from this no one is immune. And, of course, any medicine should be prescribed by a doctor, especially as serious as Flemoxin Solutab.
At my daughter to her of 17 years of an angina, the doctor has appointed or nominated this preparation on 0,5 g 3 times a day, but why that after reception begins plentiful allocation of a saliva up to tussis and passes minutes through 30-40. Maybe it does not fit this drug ?!
Vera, You can not exclude the puncture. Address to the attending physician, probably it is necessary to replace a preparation.
I drink four days, while everything is fine. I treat bronchitis. There are no side effects.
Volchanskaya S.V.
Hello, this question: a child of 6 years, angina, we take this drug for 0.25 3 / day for two days, the temperature does not drop, there is no visible effect. On what day should the patient's condition improve? Maybe it does not suit us?
Tell me, please, whether it is possible to do the operation after taking this antibiotic?
Volchanskaya S.V., Standard for 3-4 days of treatment should be observed positive dynamics. If it is not, then change the antibiotic to another, stronger or combination of antibiotics.

to, Maybe. Sometimes antibiotics are prescribed preventively, that is before the operation, in order to avoid negative infectious complications in the postoperative period.
Tell me, does he cure aphthous stomatitis in a neglected form?
YuliyaProbably not.Antibiotics are effective for ulcerative-necrotic stomatitis of Vincent, and even then they use combinations with Metronidazole, and not Flemoxin Solutab, and in case of herpetic or aphthous stomatitis they are useless. If you have correctly indicated everything with a diagnosis, then maybe you should think about changing the treatment.
Admin, tell me, pzhl. How many days can a baby take 7.5 months? with a sharp average two-sided. otitis media? The doctor prescribed 125 mg.
TYTALess than 5 days of antibiotics do not take. On average, 5-7 days should be taken Flemoxin Solutab for mild and moderate infections, as in your case, but how much it is necessary specifically for your child should say the doctor in charge.
Thank you. The instructions do not indicate dosage for children under one year. Is it normal that the doctor appointed him?
TYTA, Children usually medications by weight are dosed, and not by age (so it is more correct).In the instruction there is an indication of use in children, including up to 1 year. In this regard, everything is fine. As for the dosages of antibiotics, they also look at the severity of the patient's condition.
Hello! The child is 3.5 years old. The week was fever (up to 39.2) cough, runny nose. After 10 days, they treated without antibiotics. The temperature is normal, the residual cough, but the lymph nodes are enlarged under the lower jaw. The doctor prescribed this medication - 250 mg, 2 times a day, with a course of 5 days. Is the doctor's decision correct? Do I have to take an antihistamine at the same time? And bifidumbacterin?
Yana, I think only on the basis of the fact that a child has a lymph node increased a doctor would not prescribe an antibiotic. Probably there is a more serious reason, although I usually tell my patients why I prescribed this or that medicine.

Antihistamines with antibiotics I do not prescribe in principle, because if we muffle the body's response to a potentially allergic agent, then we can get a detailed allergic reaction to this allergen, including life-threatening.Better understand immediately that the antibiotic did not go and prescribe another medicine.

Bifidumbacterin, like other probiotics, is better for prescribing after taking an antibiotic, since if taken at the time, the necessary bacteria are destroyed as well as the harmful microbes. Effect from such reception is not present.
Hello! Whether prompt, please, it is possible to accept this antibiotic, in parallel with introduction in / m ceftriaxona. With pyelonephritis? Thanks in advance for the answer!
NataliaUsually this is not practiced. If only you have been treated with an antibiotic before and it has not helped you, then prescribe combinatorial treatment with antibiotics, as a continuation of treatment. Or the process is running chronic. Or the difficult course of the bacterial process. If all this does not exist - then such a treatment scheme must be questioned.
Have appointed or nominated Flemoksin at a gastritis and the raised or increased acidity. Is it necessary?
MariaIf gastritis is Helicobacter, then to remove this harmful bacteria from the body, prescribe a combination therapy with antibiotics, one of which is the drug Amoxicillin (or its analogue Flemoxin, which is more expensive). So, if you are prescribed complex treatment, and before that, an EFGDS (probe) was performed and a Helicobacter pylori bacterium was found, and not one Flemoxin, then calmly take the prescribed treatment - it should help both with gastritis and acidity.
The doctor prescribed this drug for pharyngitis, I feel good now.
Good afternoon. The doctor prescribed this drug with an increase in the lymph node. Do you think it's worth taking an antibiotic right away, or are there options for a softer treatment? (I will clarify that they did not prescribe any tests)
Marina, I prefer immediately antibiotics not to bother. Or I wait while the cold will be shown clinically (happens, that the lymphonodus is blown off without occurrence of other signs). But if there is chronic tonsillitis, then antibiotics can hardly be dispensed with.

When the lymph node is enlarged, dry heat to the node area, anti-inflammatory drugs is good, but it is necessary to be sure of the cold character of the symptom (there was a cold earlier or proskvozilo, etc.).
admin, good day! We prescribed this drug from herpes sore throat, son 4g. 2 times a day. How effective is it and should I drink antistatic after an antibiotic? Our intestines are weak.
Love, Angina is treated with antibiotics, including Flemoxin Solutab. Herpes is treated with antiviral drugs. Or you have not indicated all the treatment in your question or you have not herpes sore throat. With herpes sore throat, antibiotics are prescribed only if there is a secondary infection with bacteria.

Antistatic did not understand what you mean. If it is a question of a probiotic, then young children usually tolerate antibiotics well, but if the gastrointestinal tract tells about itself, you can try Bifidumbacterin, Bifiform or any other probiotic recommended to children at your age.Use a probiotic after the course of taking an antibiotic, so it is most effective.
It was orz. Now the red larynx, pershit a little, but there is no pain in the throat and a cough like dry. Tell me, pzhl, will it help me? I am 42 years old.
masha, Antibiotics, including Flemoxin Solutab, are prescribed if there are grounds for their admission. Most often - a bacterial infection that affects, including the upper respiratory tract. In the presence of angina, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. diseases accompanied by bacterial infection, the reception of antibiotics is indicated.

If it were not for your cough, I would say that you do not have an antibiotic for symptoms. But there is a cough - perhaps it's bronchitis or pneumonia. In any case, you can not do without a survey. Go to the doctor - let him listen to you, prescribe tests and, probably, a lung X-ray, then it will be clear. With a viral infection, the antibiotic is useless and you do not need to drink it.
admin! Prompt! The doctor has appointed or nominated to accept the given preparation Flemoksin Soljutab 1т + 2 a day. I took one pill the day before yesterday before going to bed. And in the morning, a side effect appeared in the form of a rash.Help me to get rid of this problem in a short time. The rash is mainly behind the ears and around the neck. Thank you!
masha, Stop taking the drug. Consult your doctor about changing the drug to another. The rash will pass by itself.
Accepted this drug with mastitis beginning. For 2 days all passed. There were no side effects either of me or the child, continued to breastfeed during the treatment.
Tell me, after what time after the last reception of this antibiotic, can I breast-feed my baby?
Lily, The half-life of the drug Flemoxin Solutab in the absence of kidney disease is 1-1.5 hours. That is, the very next day after the end of the antibiotic treatment course, breastfeeding can be resumed.
Frequent not treated diseases of a throat have led to the formation of traffic jams on tonsils with all the following consequences: pershenie,sensation of foreign matter in the throat and smell, I went to the doctor, prescribed flemoxin, imudon, kagocel, the course of treatment was over, but a month later the problem returned. It is a pity spent money, imudon and flemoxin a little expensive, it would not be a pity, if they helped.
Olga, According to the symptomatology you have a typical chronic tonsillitis and with this disease you need to learn to live or, if for that indication, to remove the tonsils surgically. Antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis give an effect only with exacerbations, without exacerbation it is better to do the washing of the lacunae of the tonsils (makes an ENT doctor) and the mechanical removal of these very plugs.
Hello, daughter of 2.5 years, weight 14 kg, the doctor appointed Flemoxin 125 mg for 1 ton 4 times a day! Did she go too far? After all, the instructions tell children from 1-3 years to 1t 3 times a day.
barbarian, Flemoxin Solutab 4 times a day is usually not prescribed, this doctor probably confused with standard antibiotics, which are given every 6 hours. But with the dosage I can not say.If she found the infection of your child to be severe, then you can give a dosage and more, I found the maximum for your daughter's age - 840 mg maximum daily dose. The doctor prescribed 600 mg, that is, even the reserve still remained. But the maximum dosage is used in children only with exacerbation of chronic infections or in severe acute bacterial pathology. And in this case, the question of choosing a dosage for the child's attending physician.
Tell me, please, how correctly to take this antibiotic - if 3 times a day - it means that there should be exactly 8 hours between doses?
Marinet, Morning, lunch and evening. It is believed that approximately this method corresponds to the breakdown of intervals of 8 hours per day.
gromAlcohol can be consumed the next day, as the half-life of Amoxicillin is 1-1.5 hours, that is, the next day there will be no traces of antibiotic in the body. And less alcohol - it is still harmful, even without an antibiotic background.
Tell pzhl, I have roots in the gum and inflated the gum a little! I started to drink fluuminoxin, will it help me on this occasion? And how to understand how much to drink, if 2 times a day? ie morning and evening?
eugeneIf inflammation of the gum remaining in the roots of the teeth aseptic, that is not caused by bacteria - antibiotic is ineffective, since it is not an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. So safer to consult a dental surgeon for advice and may need to remove the bone remnants of cloth.

2 times per day - which means, morning and evening to maintain the same intervals of time (about 12 hours) between doses.
The question is transferred to Amoxicillin.
She took flemoxin and no serious consequences, but now it's another case. The son was ill. To him have registered flemoxinum. Coughs and fever.I would like to drink a Flemoxin as if I were in contact with a sick person, so as not to get sick, because I'm very afraid of temperatures and so weak immunity, so I received ischemic heart disease today, I think that before the infarction, from the polyclinic to the ambulance, but blood tests showed anemia, and bad blood vessels and because of this heart problem. I wanted to go to the therapist right after the admission to rest, but the reception was over and it will only be on Monday. How now I do not know. I'm afraid of getting infected from a child, I care for him. Itself hardly crawling, very bad, weakness and as I will present still that peredoperatory, so though lay down and do not get up. Prompt it is possible for me to drink flemoxinum, as prophylaxis or to rely on, that I shall not catch and wait stupidly Monday?
ANASTASIADeal with your heart problems, which probably give you such a symptomatology. The common cold here probably has nothing to do with it. Plus it is necessary to solve problems with psychology, given a strong accentuation or fixation on diseases. No one with a preventive purpose such strong antibiotics as Flemoxin does not take,if you profilatsirovatsya of ARVI, then take better Remantidine. The scheme of its preventive reception can be found through the search in the Directory. The rest of the questions must be solved by the psychologist, otherwise the psychosomatics will lead you to real organic health problems, and not just psychological ones, because all the diseases are known to be from the nerves.
Very good for angina. The pediatrician appointed the eldest daughter for the first time in 4 months. Drank according to the appointment, there were no side effects, I do not remember the type of angina. The youngest in 2.5 years was given according to dosage. Maybe it's expensive, but it's worth it. With an antibiotic in the complex, they gave an immuno-boosting drug, antipyretic and treated the throat.
A wonderful drug from the form of antibiotics! I have a trophic ulcer of the lower leg 50 // 50 with oncology. I am happy with this antibiotic, tk. they throw me everywhere, sometimes to the oncologist, then to the surgeon, but I support the condition of the leg, so that there is no stage of abscess.
Hello.To us 20 days the temperature constantly jumps that 36 and 6, 37, 37,5 and so to 38 and 2 happens already 6 days and not much red throat. To us the doctor has registered flemoksin soljutab 125 how you consider whether it is necessary to accept it or him, somehow terribly in 20 days to give an antibiotic ?!
TatyanaThe rationale for taking antibiotics lies entirely with the treating physician. Flemoxin Solutab is approved for use in children, including infants and infants less than 1 year old. The dosage of the drug goes according to the weight of the child (which was not indicated in the question) and is detailed in the instructions.
To the son 2,8. Weight 14 kg. In the kindergarten I caught a cold, strong first dry, now wet cough, snot. Have appointed or nominated flemoksin 2 times on 250. Have spent on drink three days, the status is better, but rales are. It remains to drink for two days, but if the rale does not pass, what should I do? And we were prescribed to drink 3 times, and then I read that they should be drunk after the course of taking antibiotics.
Raigul, Take all 5 days Flemoxin, as recommended by your doctor (the dosage in your case is matched correctly) and come to a control reception.If everything is normal and the baby is healthy - send to the kindergarten, if not, the doctor will prescribe another antibiotic and continue the treatment. Linkem does not know what it is, but if you take a probiotic right away during treatment with an antibiotic, all the positive bacteria die in the body as well as the negative ones.
Thank you. Not link, and linex. A typo, a phone with t9. We are better. There was still a cough. Tomorrow we'll go to the reception.
Raigul, Recover and do not be ill any more.
Question of the visitor of the site lesya.zhukova moved to the required section:
Hello. Ill with his son. To the son of 8 months, is on gv. Sinusitis, bronchitis. I was assigned an amoxiclav 1000 2 rubles per day, Sinupret and Azz. To the son flemoksin 125 3 r. day, fenistil, geneferon. It's terrible to feed and stop, too, I would not want to, the child completely refuses the nipples and bottles, at night still eats. Is it not dangerous for a child to take such a dose of an antibiotic?
lesya.zhukova, Age at appointment of an antibiotic Flemoxin Solutab in children does not play a role, weight is important.For a boy, 8 months took a weight of 9 kilograms, in this case the dosage prescribed by the doctor is within the age limit, you can take. Breastfeeding will have to be canceled at the time of taking Amoxiclav. Express excess milk and discard.
Good afternoon! To the child of 10 years. I got sick. First 2 days the temperature is 38.8. Then I got a sore throat, then a cough. The temperature has dropped to 36.9-37.5 and so holds for 5 days already. Cough is better. The doctor prescribed this antibiotic. Flemoxin Solutab, since the temperature does not decrease. 3 tablets (500 mg.) 3 times a day (weight of the child 33 kg). Maybe 2 times a day is enough? And whether it is necessary to drink it in this case?
AAAAAThe question of taking a medication is decided by the attending physician of the child after a full-time examination and the delivery of tests (if possible), I can not do such a survey remotely. According to the symptoms described in the question, taking antibiotics can be prescribed.

The dosage of Flemoxin Solutab, recommended by the attending physician, to a child of this weight does not go beyond the limits of the maximum recommended by the instruction. Reception 3 times a day is also permissible.So I see no reason to worry, follow the recommendations of your specialist.
I was sick with two children 3 and 5 years old, 40 more than 6 days old and prescribed this antibiotic. Both have a terrible pobochka, what the doctors say, but what do you want, it's an antibiotic. From others, this was not the case before, the hands of both children were covered with red spots and then another half a year one could not get rid of boils (before they never were), this horror is simple! Personally, in our children's polyclinic, they write it out to almost everything that scares. If only one with the pobochka was still somehow, but both. And children are not allergic at all.
I want to share my experience using the Flemoxin solute. I am the mother of two children of 2.7 and 7 months old. I took the drug in both pregnancies, because of acute colds of viral diseases. Helps quickly, side effects were not. Now the youngest 7 months, I again have an acute viral illness and acute tonsillitis. Who met with tonsillitis will understand me, the temperature 38-39 is already 6 day, I put candles, anaferon tablets, splatter lyugol, tantum verde, miramistin, rinse with furacilin.Nothing helps, every day only the condition worsens. As a result, purulent glands swelled so that the small tongue was blocked. Not that I drink and eat, I could not swallow saliva. Decided not to wait for another emergency to start drinking Flemoxin solute, after 10 hours, with pain but could already drink half a cup of tea. I use the second day, I'm sure tonight I'll be able to eat a thin soup. On children during application of the device during pregnancy and after childbirth, as I remember the changes were not observed. I want to note that the organism and the degree of the disease are different. Who does not affect the side effects of all the above listed. Therefore, first of all do not engage in self-medication, and consult with a doctor, he will be more visible, especially for pregnant and nursing mothers. To me and at pregnancy and at a lactemia with my almost chronic tonsillitis it or him appoint or nominate, but if really there is a threat and complications. Be healthy and do not be ill. I hope my comment was useful to someone.

Yes, I want to add that this is an antibiotic, and any antibiotic is prescribed only with complications. But unfortunately in our practice, it is prescribed for adults and children, even with the usual ARI and ARI, which in my opinion is simply terrible.Killing the entire immune system and complications in side effects.
My 11-year-old daughter got sick - her throat, she clears her throat, in the chest area it's a little painful at a cough, the temperature was 37.2 on the first day and there was no the second day. My throat is rinsed, irrigated with miramistin, I give lazolvan. The doctor at first has written out tsikloferon it is not clear why, and next time already flemoksin. I do not give a child either. Have handed over analyzes - a blood and urine good. At us in an out-patient department these preparations register all without analysis and without analyzes. The throat no longer hurts, the cough is rare, mostly in the mornings, only the stuffiness of the nose is added and scores in the nose. Flemoxin was drunk 2 months ago with the same symptoms and again prescribed. I do not know what to do. The doctor refers to the red throat. But everywhere they say that antibiotics are prescribed for infections? Why did they write us along with Cycloferon?
Snezana, Antibiotics now write out often unjustifiably, are insured. The red throat is not a symptom of the antibiotics being shown to a child, signs of a purulent infection - cork, film, pus on tonsils - are needed.In your situation, I remotely hardly help, but I would consult another doctor internally. It is likely that your child Flemoxin Solutab is not shown, like any other antibiotic, you need to watch live.
The doctor prescribed a dosage of 125 mg 2 times a day for 5 days, a baby 3 months, weight 5300. How to give the medicine correctly? 20 ml of water dilute the pill and stretch 2 times (morning / evening) or 20 ml 2 times a day (2 tablets per day)?
Anna271990, Flemoxin Solutab exists in a special form of dispersible tablets 125 mg. According to the instructions for children under 2 years, the average daily medication dosage is 20 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight divided by 2, that is, in your case it will be 106 mg per day or 53 mg per reception. You will need to divide the proportion method to determine the exact amount of antibiotic in 1 ml of the finished suspension. Let's dilute 125 mg in 20 ml of water, we get in 6.2 ml of active ingredient in 1 ml of the finished suspension, that means you will get 8.5 ml of the finished suspension in 1 dose (it is more convenient to use a syringe with a graduated scale).If the infection is severe and the doctor has gone beyond the average therapeutic dosage, then the meaning of dilution and division remains the same, only under the dosages recommended by the doctor.
Good afternoon. At the child on the fifth day after the domestic vaccination, measles, rubella, parotitis the temperature has increased greatly, which stumbles for several hours and rises again. Today the fourth day of this state has gone. The condition worsens, coughing is almost continuous, snot.
Yesterday, the doctor prescribed the above drug 2 r / d dissolve in 20 ml of water. At the daughter on a custom on all medicines a vomiting. Those. it is impossible to give medicine, of which the doctor was certainly informed, but she did not believe it.
The question is, is it possible to dissolve the tablet in food or a mixture? Guarantees, of course, that everything will be eaten or drunk to the end there. Or it is necessary to prick pricks? Is there a form of release of this drug in an injection for children 1.10 years old? Or another effective and safe drug.
Thanks for the answer.
Alexandra, Flemoksina Solutab in the injection does not happen. The answer to the vaccine in the child is inadequate, or the immunity is weak, or the vaccine has failed. And where the antibiotic is completely incomprehensible, given that all components of the vaccine are aimed at fighting viruses and most likely weakened strains of these viruses and caused a post-vaccination complication in the child. Antibiotic helps in the fight against bacterial infections, not viral.
Ivan Ivanovich
I wonder why everyone, or almost everyone here, discussed this medicine in the form of tablets? Is it not safer (for the gastrointestinal tract) to use antibiotics in the form of intramuscular injections. I can not even imagine how it is possible to drink antibiotics inside, is it difficult to prick or ask a relative? Why people drink inside, open the secret, please, very much I ask.
Ivan Ivanovich
This medicine was used three times. Always intramuscular injection. Antibiotic is good, easy for people with weak immunity. Familiar professor and familiar pharmacists - all advised not to take antibiotics through the mouth.Maybe someone will explain to me: why did you, moms, agree to give the children antibiotics in the form of tablets? Is it not harmful? Or am I missing something?
Ivan Ivanovich, The preparation Flemoxin Solutab in Russia is sold only in the form of tablets. We do not have the injection form of this antibiotic in injections.

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