Ammisid - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of the release (powder for the preparation of antibiotic suspension, 375 mg tablets, injections for injections) for the treatment of angina, sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy

Ammisid - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and forms of the release (powder for the preparation of antibiotic suspension, 375 mg tablets, injections for injections) for the treatment of angina, sinusitis in adults, children and pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Ammiside. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Ambiside antibiotic in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Ammiside in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use for treatment of sore throat, sinusitis and other infectious diseases in adults, children (including infants, newborns and premature babies), as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Ammiside - antibacterial agent of a wide spectrum of action. It is a double ester of ampicillin (semisynthetic penicillin) and sulbactam (beta-lactamase inhibitor). It is bactericidal. Sultamycillin is active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, incl. producing beta-lactamases.




Sultamycillin + excipients.




Penetrates into most tissues and body fluids. After intravenous and intramuscular injection, high concentrations of sulbactam and ampicillin are achieved in the blood. It is excreted by the kidneys - 70-80%, mainly in unchanged form, as well as with bile and breast milk.




Bacterial infections of various locations caused by susceptible pathogens:

  • infections of the respiratory system (including pneumonia, abscess of the lungs, chronic bronchitis, empyema of the pleura);
  • infection of the ENT organs (including sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media);
  • urinary tract and genital tract infections (pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, endometritis);
  • infection of the biliary tract (cholecystitis, cholangitis);
  • infections of the skin and soft tissues (erysipelas, impetigo, secondarily infected dermatitis);
  • infections of the digestive tract (dysentery, salmonellosis, salmonella);
  • infection of bones and joints;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • peritonitis;
  • scarlet fever;
  • gonococcal infection.


Prevention of postoperative complications in operations on the abdominal and pelvic organs.


Forms of release


Powder for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration of 250 mg (the ideal pediatric form of the drug, including for use in newborns and premature infants).


The tablets covered with a cover 375 mg.


Powder for the preparation of solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection (injections in ampoules for injection).


Instructions for use and dosage


Tablets and suspension


For adults and children weighing more than 30 kg, the daily dose is 375-750 mg per day, for children weighing less than 30 kg, 25-50 mg / kg (depending on the severity of the infection). Multiplicity of admission - 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-14 days.In the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea, sultamycillin can be prescribed once in a dose of 2.25 g (in combination with probenecid).




Intramuscularly, intravenously (drip at a speed of 60-80 cap / min in the form of a dropper, jet - slowly, for 3-5 minutes).


In / in 5-7 days, then, if necessary, continue treatment, go to the / m application.


The following are the total doses of ampicillin and sulbactam (in a 2: 1 ratio).


With a mild infection, 1.5-3 g per day in 2 injections; at an average current - 3-6 g per day


With uncomplicated gonorrhea - 1.5 g, once.


For the prevention of surgical infections - 1.5-3 g, during anesthesia; then within 24 hours after the operation - in the same dose every 6-8 hours.


Children - in a daily dose of 150 mg / kg (100 mg / kg of ampicillin and 50 mg / kg of sulbactam); multiplicity - 3-4 times a day.


Newborns under 1 week of age and premature infants - every 12 hours.


The course of treatment - 5-14 days (if necessary, can be extended). After normalization of temperature and disappearance of other pathological symptoms, treatment is continued for another 48 hours.


With CRF (KK less than 30 ml / min), an increase in the intervals between administrations is necessary.


The solution for parenteral use is prepared ex tempore.To the contents of the bottle add 2 or 4 ml of water for injection, 0.5% solution of procaine or 0.9% solution of sodium chloride. For the / m introduction, dilution with 0.5% Lidocaine solution is acceptable. For intravenous administration, a single dose is dissolved in a 0.9% solution of sodium chloride or a 5% solution of Dextrose in a volume of 10 to 200 ml.


Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • decreased appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • pseudomembranous enterocolitis;
  • anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia;
  • drowsiness;
  • malaise;
  • headache;
  • increased urea concentration;
  • hives;
  • hyperemia of the skin;
  • angioedema;
  • rhinitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • fever;
  • arthralgia;
  • eosinophilia;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • pain in the injection site;
  • phlebitis (with intravenous administration);
  • Superinfection caused by drug-resistant microorganisms (candidiasis).



  • hypersensitivity;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • lactation period.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Be wary of using Ammiside during pregnancy.


Contraindicated during lactation (safety of use not established).


Use in children


The application is possible according to the dosing regimen.


special instructions


In patients who are hypersensitive to penicillins, there may be cross-allergic reactions with cephalosporin antibiotics.


In course treatment it is necessary to monitor the status of the functions of the organs of hematopoiesis, liver and kidneys.


It is possible to develop superinfection by increasing the microflora insensitive to the drug, which requires an appropriate change in antibacterial therapy.


In the treatment of patients with sepsis, the development of a bacteriolysis reaction (the Yarisch-Gerxheimer reaction) is possible.


Drug Interactions


Ammiside is pharmaceutically incompatible with blood products or protein hydrolysates, aminoglycosides.


Antacids, glucosamine, laxatives, food, aminoglycosides (with enteral administration) slow down and decrease absorption.


Ascorbic acid increases absorption.


Bactericidal antibiotics (including aminoglycosides, cephalosporins, cycloserine, vancomycin, rifampicin) have a synergistic effect; bacteriostatic medicinal products (macrolides, chloramphenicol, lincosamines, tetracyclines, sulfonamides) - antagonistic.


Ammiside improves the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants (suppressing the intestinal microflora, reduces the synthesis of vitamin K and prothrombin index); reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, drugs in the process of metabolism which forms PABC, and ethinyl estradiol (risk of bleeding "breakthrough").


Diuretics, allopurinol, phenylbutazone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other drugs that reduce tubular secretion, increase the concentration of ampicillin in plasma.


Allopurinol increases the risk of skin rash.


Analogues of medicinal product Ammisid


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Ampicillin + Sulbactam;
  • Libacil;
  • Sulbacin;
  • Sultasin;
  • Unazine.


Analogues on the curative effect (means for treating sinusitis):

  • Abaktal;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Vibrocil;
  • Wilprafen;
  • Derinat;
  • Zanotsin;
  • Zetamax retard;
  • Zitrolide;
  • Imunoriks;
  • Quipro;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Clacid;
  • Xylometazoline;
  • Levofloxacin;
  • Liprokhin;
  • Miramistin;
  • Otrivin;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Piobacteriophage complex;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Rapiklav;
  • Ribomunyl;
  • Rince;
  • Rinonorm;
  • Rinoflumacil;
  • Sanorin;
  • Sinupret;
  • Sinuphoe;
  • Sumamed;
  • Sumamed forte;
  • Supraks;
  • Tavanik;
  • Tizin Xylo;
  • Flexine;
  • Flemoclav Solutab;
  • Fluidite;
  • Fromromide;
  • Hayleflex;
  • Hemomycin;
  • Cefazolin;
  • Cephalexin;
  • Cefotaxime;
  • Ceftriaxone;
  • Tsiprolet;
  • Erespal;
  • Erythromycin;
  • Yunidox Solutab.

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