Xarelto - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 2.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg) of the drug for the treatment of thrombosis, embolism and prevention of stroke and heart attack in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

Xarelto - instructions for use, reviews, analogs and formulations (tablets 2.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg) of the drug for the treatment of thrombosis, embolism and prevention of stroke and heart attack in adults, children and pregnancy. Composition

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Xarelto. Presented are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Xarelta in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Xarelta in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for treatment of thrombosis, embolism and prevention of stroke and heart attack in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the preparation.


Xarelto - selective direct inhibitor of factor 10a for oral administration. Activation of factor 10 with the formation of factor 10a through its own and external pathways plays a central role in the coagulation cascade.


Rivaroxaban (the active substance of the drug Xarelto) has a dose-dependent effect on prothrombin time and is characterized by a high correlation with the concentration in the blood plasma when analyzed with the Neoplastin kit (other results will differ if other reagents are used).


Also, Rivaroxaban dose-dependently increases the APTT and the Heptest result, but these parameters are not recommended for evaluating the pharmacodynamic effects of rivaroxaban.




Rivaroxaban (micronized) + excipients.




After oral administration at a dose of 10 mg, Xarelto is rapidly absorbed, the absolute bioavailability is high and is 80-100%. The intake of food does not affect the AUC and Cmax of rivaroxaban. The pharmacokinetics of rivaroxaban are characterized by moderate variability; Individual variability (coefficient of variability) is 30-40%, except for the day and the next day after the operation, when the variability is high (70%).The binding with plasma proteins, mainly with albumin, is 92-95%. Rivaroxaban is excreted mainly in the form of metabolites (approximately 2/3 of the dose), half of them excreted by the kidneys, and the other half with the feces. 1/3 of the applied dose is directly excreted by the kidneys in the form of unchanged substance, it is believed, mainly through active renal secretion. The metabolism of rivaroxaban occurs with the participation of CYP3A4 and CYP2J2 isoenzymes, as well as enzymes independent of the cytochrome P450 system. The main participants in the biotransformation are a morpholino group undergoing oxidative decomposition, and amide groups undergoing hydrolysis.



  • prevention of stroke, heart attack and systemic thromboembolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation;
  • treatment of deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery and prevention of their recurrence;
  • prevention of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing extensive orthopedic surgery on the lower limbs.


Forms of release


Tablets coated with 2.5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg and 20 mg.


Instructions for use and reception scheme


Inside, with food.


If the patient is not able to swallow the whole tablet, the Xarelto tablet can be ground and mixed with water or liquid food, such as apple puree, just before taking. After taking a crushed tablet Xarelto 15 or 20 mg, you must immediately take food.


A crushed Xarelto tablet can be injected through a gastric tube. The position of the probe in the digestive tract must be agreed with the doctor in advance before taking Xarelto. The ground tablet should be injected through a gastric tube in a small amount of water, after which a small amount of water must be introduced in order to wash off the drug residues from the probe walls. After taking a crushed Xarelto tablet, 15 or 20 mg, it is necessary to immediately receive enteral feeding.


Prevention of stroke and systemic thromboembolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation


The recommended dose is 20 mg 1 time per day.


For patients with impaired renal function (Cl creatinine 49-30 ml / min), the recommended dose is 15 mg 1 time per day.


The recommended maximum daily dose is 20 mg.


Duration of treatment


Xarelto therapy should be considered as a long-term treatment, until the benefits of treatment exceed the risk of possible complications.


Actions when skipping the dose


If the next dose is missed, the patient should immediately take Xarelto and on the next day continue to take the medication regularly according to the recommended regimen. Do not double the dose taken to compensate for missed earlier.


Side effect

  • anemia;
  • thrombocythemia;
  • post-procedural hemorrhage (including postoperative anemia and bleeding from the wound);
  • tachycardia;
  • arterial hypotension (including hypotension during procedures);
  • hemorrhage (including hematomas and rare cases of hemorrhage in the muscles);
  • gastrointestinal hemorrhages (including hememesis, bleeding gums, bleeding from the rectum, hematuria, spotting from the genital tract, nosebleeds);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation, diarrhea;
  • pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the stomach;
  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • dry mouth;
  • localized or peripheral edema;
  • fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • asthenia;
  • fever;
  • urticaria (including cases of generalized urticaria);
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • syncopal states;
  • pain in the limbs;
  • itching (including cases of generalized itching);
  • rashes on the skin;
  • kidney failure (increase in blood levels of creatinine, urea);
  • increased LDH levels, increased levels of AAT and AAT, increased levels of lipase, amylase, bilirubin, and the level of alkaline phosphatase.



  • clinically significant active bleeding (eg, intracranial, gastrointestinal);
  • liver diseases accompanied by coagulopathy, which increases the risk of clinically significant bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to rivaroxaban.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Contraindicated in pregnancy.


special instructions


It is not recommended to use rivaroxaban in patients with severe renal insufficiency (CC less than 15 ml / min).


Caution should be applied Xarelto in the treatment of patients with moderate renal insufficiency (KK 30-49 ml / min),receiving concomitant therapy with drugs that can cause an increase in the concentration of rivaroxaban in blood plasma, as well as in patients with QC less than 15-30 ml / min. In patients with severe renal insufficiency, the concentration of rivaroxaban in the blood plasma can be significantly increased, which can lead to an increased risk of bleeding.


Patients with severe renal insufficiency with an increased risk of bleeding and patients receiving concomitant systemic therapy with antifungal azole agents or HIV protease inhibitors should be closely monitored after the initiation of treatment to detect hemorrhagic complications in a timely manner. Such control may include regular physical examination of the patient, careful observation of the surgical wound to be separated from the drainage, and periodic determination of the hemoglobin level.


Caution should be used rivaroxaban in the treatment of patients with an increased risk of bleeding, incl. if there are congenital or acquired diseases that lead to bleeding; uncontrolled AH severedegree; Gavage peptic ulcer in the acute stage; recently suffered peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract; cardiovascular retinopathy; recent intracranial or intracerebral haemorrhage; intraspinal or intracerebral vascular pathology; the recently transferred neurosurgical (operation on the head, spinal cord) or ophthalmologic intervention.


Care should be taken when administering rivaroxaban to patients receiving drugs that affect hemostasis, for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), platelet aggregation inhibitors or other antithrombotic agents.


Drug Interactions


With simultaneous application of rivaroxaban and strong inhibitors of the isoenzyme CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein may lead to a decrease in renal and hepatic clearance and thus significantly increase the AUC of rivaroxaban.


The combined use of rivaroxaban and the azole Ketoconazole antifungal agent (400 mg once daily), a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein, resulted in a 2.6-fold increase in the mean equilibrium AUC of rivaroxaban and a 1.7-fold increase in mean Cmax of rivaroxaban,which is accompanied by a significant increase in the pharmacodynamic effects of the drug.


With the simultaneous use of rivaroxaban and the HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir (600 mg twice daily), which is a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4 and P-glycoprotein, resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in the mean equilibrium AUC of rivaroxaban and a 1.6-fold increase in mean Cmax of rivaroxaban, increased pharmacodynamic effects of the drug. In this regard, it is necessary to use with caution Xarelto in the treatment of patients simultaneously receiving systemic azole antifungal drugs or HIV protease inhibitors.


Clarithromycin (500 mg twice daily), a potent inhibitor of CYP3A4 and medium intensity inhibitor of the P-glycoprotein, caused a 1.5-fold increase in the mean AUC and a 1.4-fold increase in Cmax of rivaroxaban. This increase in AUC and an increase in Cmax varies within the norm and is considered clinically insignificant.


Erythromycin (500 mg 3 times a day), moderately inhibiting the isoenzyme CYP 3A4 and P-glycoprotein, caused a 1.3-fold increase in the mean equilibrium values ​​of AUC and Cmax of rivaroxaban. This increase in AUC and an increase in Cmax varies within the norm and is considered clinically significant.


The simultaneous administration of rivaroxaban and rifampicin, which is a potent inducer of CYP 3A4 and P-glycoprotein, resulted in approximately a 50% decrease in the average AUC of rivaroxaban and a parallel decrease in its pharmacodynamic effects. The combined use of rivaroxaban with other potent inducers of CYP3A4 (eg, phenytoin, carbamazepine, Phenobarbital or St. John's wort) can also lead to a decrease in rivaroxaban concentrations in the blood plasma. Reducing the concentration of rivaroxaban in blood plasma is clinically insignificant.


After the combined use of enoxaparin (in a single dose of 40 mg) and rivaroxaban (in a single dose of 10 mg), an additive effect was observed with respect to the activity of the antifactor 10a, which is not accompanied by additional effects on the coagulation parameters (prothrombin time, APTT).


Enoxaparin did not alter the pharmacokinetics of rivaroxaban.


There was no pharmacokinetic interaction between Xarelto and Clopidogrel (300 mg shock dose with the subsequent administration of a maintenance dose of 75 mg), but in a subgroup of patients, a clinically significant increase in bleeding time,which did not correlate with platelet aggregation and the level of P-selectin or GP2b / 3a receptor.


After the simultaneous administration of rivaroxaban and 500 mg of naproxen, no clinically relevant prolongation of bleeding time was observed. However, in individuals, a more pronounced pharmacodynamic response is possible.


Interaction with food: rivaroxaban in a dose of 10 mg can be taken during meals or separately.


Influence on laboratory tests: the effect on blood coagulation indices (prothrombin time, APTT, Heptest) corresponds to what is expected given the mechanism of action of rivaroxaban.


Analogues of the drug Xarelto


Xarelto does not have a structural analogue for the active ingredient. The drug contains a unique active ingredient in its composition.


Analogues on the pharmacological group (agents for the treatment of thrombosis and embolism):

  • Aveliesin Brown;
  • Agrenoks;
  • Actylase;
  • Angiovitis;
  • Aspizol;
  • Aspirin Cardio;
  • Acenocoumarol;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid;
  • Brilint;
  • Bufferin;
  • Warfarin Nycomed;
  • Vinpocetine;
  • Wobenzym;
  • Heparin;
  • Godasal;
  • Dextran;
  • Detromb;
  • Dipyridamole;
  • Zilt;
  • Calciparin;
  • Cardiomagnet;
  • Carinate;
  • Karinat Forte;
  • Clexan;
  • Cleaver;
  • Clopidex;
  • Collorite;
  • Complymine;
  • Coplawix;
  • Xantinol nicotinate;
  • Courantil;
  • Lapal;
  • Listab;
  • Myristin;
  • Parsedil;
  • Pelentan;
  • Pentoxifylline;
  • Plavix;
  • Plagril;
  • Plolid;
  • Pradax;
  • Ralofect;
  • Reogluman;
  • Reopoliglyukin;
  • Ribasan forte;
  • Cincumar;
  • Streptase;
  • Tagren;
  • Tyclid;
  • Ticlo;
  • Trombo ACC;
  • Thrombopol;
  • Troparin;
  • Ukidan;
  • Urokinase medak;
  • Phenylin;
  • Fibrinolysin;
  • Phlogenzyme;
  • Cibor;
  • Egitromb.

Similar medicines:

Other medicines:

Reviews (94):
I take xarelto the third month after the hospital, where I went with pulmonary edema. As a result, Ibs, arrhythmia syndrome. To me of 57 years, a heart attack and a stroke was not. The cardiologist said to drink xarelto until the end of life, although I have no side effects, but the price is embarrassing.
Michael, In the hospital for no reason do not fall. So, it's unlikely that I will argue with a cardiologist, especially if the appointment is based on the results of the tests, not on clinical manifestations (and you probably already had the next step with the notorious heart attack or stroke).
Gleb, Krasnoyarsk
After thrombosis, which arose as a complication after a fracture of the neck of the thigh and burns, the vascular surgeon recommended a xarelto dose of 10 mg once a day. I drank two months, the swelling of my legs was asleep, there was a general positive dynamics, but I could not buy a third dose of xarelto exactly 10 mg, took 20 mg tablets, now I think how to drink them, in whole or in half. Can someone tell me.
Gleb, KrasnoyarskIf you were prescribed a drug Xarelto in a dosage of 10 mg, and you bought 20 mg, it is wiser to take half the tablets per day. Unlike other tablets in the shell, the Xarelto preparation can be divided and even ground for a more convenient intake.
I take Xarelto 15 mg. Sometimes there is a bleeding from the rectum. I can not stop taking Xalerto, what can I do with bleeding then? It is indicated in side effects to this drug and appeared just after the intake.
tatyana1948, Bleeding from the rectum when treated with Xarelto is abnormal. It is necessary to search for the reason of a bleeding. Perhaps this is hemorrhoids, then it is necessary to consult the surgeon about this. Most often, bleeding occurs with an overdose of the drug. In any case, such complex issues must be solved with the attending physician.
I take xarelto for a month, 20 mg per day. But it creates the impression that I'm aching all the insides and the temperature rises for two consecutive nights 38.5.
I already drink their fourth month, I did not do ultrasound, but there is a friend who after three months of admission went to ultrasound, there are no improvements for a millimeter, as there was a thrombus, so he is.The doctor to whom she later appealed over her laughed, said that you drink for vitamins, they say nothing to them! He transferred it to Warfarin. So I'm thinking, is there any use for xarello? Can go to make ultrasound, and then I have another three months to drink it?
Olesya, The doctor on доучивание. This is an age-old struggle between two currents of warfarins and xareltseks, everyone chooses and praises their drug for prescribing to patients, consider it sectarianism. I observe a positive effect in my patients both from the use of Warfarin and Xarelto. And you do not need to engage in amateur activities, but follow the recommendations of a doctor whom you trust. In the preparations of such groups, independent treatment is unacceptable. The variant of ineffectiveness of a particular drug in a particular patient (like your friend's) should also not be discounted, but these are percentages of all those taking this medicine.
Good afternoon! Have written out ksarelto, but it would be desirable to learn or find out about analogues, except for warfarin.
ola1965.03kThere are no direct analogs to the active substance of the drug Xarelto, that is, the active ingredient rivaroxaban is contained only in this preparation. In the same group of anticoagulants, a large number of drugs, mainly on the basis of heparin, both in tablets and injections, ointments and gels (it is necessary to know your disease and what purpose is more suitable): besides Heparin, this is Trombleys and Fragmin, and Viatrom. From the non-heparin group it is Clexan, and also Acecocumarol in tablets. If for oral administration at home, then the standard is to take either Xarelto or Warfarin.
The CABG was transferred and the artificial aortic valve was installed. I use warfarin 1.5 tablets and 7.5 mg of prednisolone to stop the secondary vasculitis. Is not it better to use xarelto? Dosage?
german vitalevichIt is better to ask such questions to a cardiologist, not to online consultations, because CABG plus vasculitis, plus probably a lot of concomitant diseases.I'm a doctor, not a priest, I do not want to send people to the next world. And what does not suit Warfarin?
I've been taking xarelto for about a year now. At me a thrombosis of deep veins of extremities. Two operations on one and the other leg. The vascular doctor said that I would have to take xarelto for life. From time to time I do a blood test for hemostasis. But having read the instruction on reception of a xarello, subtracted or deducted, that it accept all life, and somewhere till a year. So there were doubts in the doctor's recommendation that take a lifetime. How not to hurt.
Mom prescribed Xarelto, but she is afraid of drinking it, she is afraid that there will be an allergy, she was prescribed a drug from which there was a terrible urticaria, read on the Internet that Xarelto can also be. What to do?
TatyanaIf I choose between thrombosis and urticaria, I would choose the latter as the lesser of two evils. In general, if there is an allergic predisposition, the first methods of the drug must be carefully monitored by the patient himself or his relatives,up to the ambulance at hand (or start taking such drugs in the hospital, where promptly can provide emergency assistance). And, of course, if the urticaria was on the drug Xarelto, then you need to replace the drug with another, since the probability of a repeat in this case is absolute.
I take Xarelto for more than 2 years. I'm very pleased with them. Gone are the night palpitations, the fear of an attack of angina pectoris. But it is very expensive for a pensioner!
Marina Ekaterinburg
I've been taking Xarelto for six months now, and I'm mostly on it. I have a serious heart disease, and take it for life, but for a pensioner of course it's expensive.
I take warfarin one and a half tablets a day about a month after the hospital, which was prescribed for atrial fibrillation. MNO is slightly above 3 (3.05). Today was at the cardiologist, has told or said, that I can pass on ksarelto with a dose of 15 mg a day. Also has told or said, that it is necessary to drink for life (((.There was also a type 2 diabetes. From the pills already nauseated, I can not push myself into anything, I eat a little, but the weight does not go away for some reason. I am 56 years old.
The question is - can nothing be taken except for these drugs - warfarin is extremely uncomfortable in terms of control (in the clinic, even in Moscow, a complete mess - then the analysis is lost, the result is only a week later, when it is necessary in 3 and 5 days!), And ksarelto expensive (we with her husband non-working pensioners)!
Neither a stroke, nor a heart attack was not, they put IHD (but like left ventricular hypertrophy is not very large). The pressure is not very high (sometimes towards evening 147 to 80, day 120 to 80 and below).
In general, while an eerie depression, but with this attitude can not be cured, only you feel worse (.
OlgaThe answer to your question is not in the size of the ventricle of the heart and not in pressure, but at the beginning of the question - atrial fibrillation, it is on this occasion that Xarelto is prescribed. Yes, there is a substitute for him, it's Warfarin, and other similar drugs, although if it's not a direct substitute, a cardiologist will need a consultation before such a change of therapy, so I will not say for sure what's better.And take if necessary it is necessary for life. And the alternative to refusing treatment with antithrombotic agents is a blood clot in the vessel and either a heart attack or a stroke. With diabetes, too, it is necessary to decide what to do together with the endocrinologist, another negative factor of influence, including on the vessels.
Tatiana Nikolaevna
I am 66 years old. Since 2009, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, frequent seizures, took aspirin. Since 2013, xarelto has been prescribed 20 mg., The condition has become slightly better, seizures are easier to bear. But so many side effects from the reception of Xarelto!
1. it flushes calcium from the body, now I have severe osteoporosis with a vertebral fracture;
2. He caused me to have hemorrhagic cystitis, which I can not cure for how long;
3. often in the mouth in the tongue appears blood (was at the dentist, ENT - they do not find anything there);
4. On the front of the thigh after sharp pain, bruises appeared on the following day. What is it?
After each case, I appeal to my cardiologist and other specialists, they do not say anything intelligible or concrete.Cardiologist - go to warfarin, but he also has the same side effects, just that he is cheaper (the marginal price of xarelto for a pensioner also worries), but will have to live in a clinic to take tests for INR. What to do?
Tatiana Nikolaevna, Doctors tell the truth. If the drugs of this group are really necessary for diagnosis, then either tolerate, although, judging by the side effects from you, I would change the drug. Sometimes Xarelto does not go, and Warfarin does not give such a hand and vice versa. In general, think for yourself and decide with a cardiologist, which is better in your case.
There was thrombophlebitis MPV. I take xarelto for about a month. About three weeks I took 15 mg twice a day. Then I switched to 20 mg once a day. The problem is that I constantly feel some kind of weakness. And also a decrease in appetite and dry mouth. Another concern is the presence of temperature 37.
Hello, I'm 29 years old, diagnosed with BODY. Flotation thrombi according to doctors there, there is 1 under the left knee in the deep veins he pristenochny and 2 in the left lung.Selecting MNO with heparin and warfarin bleeding started (hemorrhoids). I went through a course of antibiotics. Have transferred on ksarelto 15 mg two times a day I drink week, bleedings are not present, but there was an incomprehensible temperature 37-37? When taking xarelto, the INR should not be tracked so the doctor said, ostensibly the drug has a different principle of work than warfarin? Will the blood clot dissolve in a deep vein with xarelto or is this medicine only so that new blood clots do not appear? Thank you very much.
Vladimir86When taking Xarelto, such an indicator as INR may indeed not be tracked, although sometimes the attending physician can prescribe such an analysis as diagnostic, but not as often as when taking warfarin and similar medications.

The thrombus will not be absorbed, because taking Xarelto does not give already existing blood clots to increase and new ones also do not form. But the old ones remain and represent a certain risk to the patient's health.
I take xarelto for five days from the nose, blood comes from the genital tract, too.I'm afraid to take this drug further.
But does the ksarelto wash out the calcium, but does warfarin have such a side effect? Xarelto good drug, no pobochek. 10 mg already 7 months I accept.
Tatiana Nikolaevna
Please, specify about washing away of calcium from an organism at reception ksarelto. This is also a serious side effect of xarelto with prolonged admission, after a year of taking xarelto, I had, as they say on an equal footing, a pathological fracture of the vertebra.
love, The review of the visitor of the Directory has seen, but in the instructions to Xarelto and from the experience I do not observe such a side effect. In order to reliably evaluate these or other side effects, they must account for a certain percentage (that is, not to be isolated cases). Still it is necessary to know what preparations the patient additionally takes. Maybe there is a dose of diuretic off scale or something that destroys and removes calcium from the body. I do not defend, but write objectivity for the sake of.
Hello. xarelto 20 mg for more than 3 months, takes my 80-year-old mother. Diagnosis of the doctor: Posttrombophlebitic syndrome of the left NK. Condition after ileofemoral venous thrombosis on the left. After taking the drug, mums have strong stomach pains, nausea, heart palpitations. Now I do not know whether to stop taking the drug or drink as prescribed for 6 months? Tell me, please.
Tlek, In the case of your mother, I will not tell you, because the side effects listed (if they are really caused by taking Xarelto and not by other medications or concomitant diseases) can be a threat to health, but my conscience will not allow me to remove remotely from the therapy scheme. Contact your mother's doctor, who has appointed Xarelto, to work out further treatment tactics.
My husband, after a knee injury, had a deep vein thrombosis on his leg (from the tips of his fingers to the groin and as it turned out later and the same vein in the abdominal cavity).All complicated by the fact that he hid the week for a trauma and started lymphostasis, the leg became purple-green, and in thickness as an elephant. When I managed to persuade him to go to the clinic, they said that the situation is almost hopeless, even amputation is already done late. But I begged them to save my "grandfather of the former champion" and the doctor said that the only way out was Xarelto, but there is almost no hope. We took a month in the morning and in the evening for 10 and the check showed that a thrombus long about a meter began to resolve. I drank another month a day for 10. The test showed that the thrombus had completely dissolved. Everyone was amazed! True, we treated him in parallel with folk remedies: he daily took 50 ml of blue iodine (1 teaspoon of starch is brewed in 1 glass of water and 1 teaspoon of iodine is added .This portion is for 4 days). And at night we made a compress of steamed oak leaves. So, do not give up even in such hopeless cases as ours. Xarelto will help. Ask God for this!
of light 33 years old
After childbirth, she moved her small branches. Have registered xarello. Saw half a year. Have made kt. The thrombi dissolved and the drug was canceled. But the doctor recommended a cardiomagnet. I drink in a dose of 150 mg.The cardiologist said that the tela caused a pregnancy and this will not happen again.
I had atrial fibrillation, stayed a week, then passed. The cardiologist immediately appointed xarelto, and said that we must continue to take another month. From the drug I have a wild itch. If now there is no fibrillation, a sinus rhythm, is there a need for a long-term xarelto intake?
Alsou, About the itch, tell the treating doctor who has appointed Xarelto, and to take this medicine or its analogue, if it is replaced by a doctor, how much the specialist will decide. Your fibrillation has come and gone, and blood clots as a result of this can lead to irreversible and severe consequences.
Marina X
Clinical diagnosis: acute antero-femoral phlebitrombosis on the right. She took warfarin for three months. With INR from 1.45 to 2.74, the state changed - when walking, the earth swayed, in the lying position the ceiling was spinning, the consciousness was floating. In the summer, for a whole month, I could not cope with the cold; immunity was suppressed.The skin became dry and skukozhilas, covered with a fine mesh of wrinkles. Have directed to the neuropathologist, thought something with vessels of a head, has passed or has taken place inspection, all in norm or rate. I switched to xarello. The condition has stabilized. On the ninth month of reception of the xarelto, there was a feeling of slight nausea.
My husband was prescribed xarelto. Will it help to dissolve the blood clot or not?
Diagnosis: deep vein thrombosis, as well as thromboembolism of the lungs. There were no surgical interventions until everything was treated with a two-week treatment in the form of droppers and injections. The fact that the drugs of this series should be used systematically is a fact, at least in my case. The cause of the formation of thrombi was never found, gave a blood test (something like 7gen, 8 mutations), showed that I have a genetic predisposition. Where it came from is also not clear, none of the close relatives had anything like this, and it all began in 30 years. Initially, after another treatment in the clinic, Warfarin was discharged, I took him exactly two months,Further, with monthly bleeding started, which is simply impossible to stop. It's all against the background of anemia, which I also suffer from a small age. There was a choice, what to do. I decided to give up the drug. Further, as a consequence, a few years later, again with the newly formed thrombi, another clinic. I passed another course, a sentence - Xarelto for life. I bought Pradaksu, also an analogue, the sensations after taking much better than after Warfarin. In the end, all the same, I came to realize that against the background of all the other drugs of this group, the best is Xarelto. If there are problems from the digestive tract, rectum, gum problems, gynecological - bleeding will most likely. Preparations dilute the blood so much that even if before you could not disturb these problems, then when taking the drug, all this will worsen. I try to do surveys every year. At least EGF. All drugs of this group cause some harm to the body, so you need to monitor your health. Not for nothing that they say, "we treat one, we mutilate another."
Oksana220281He is used for this.If the doctor has prescribed this medicine to your husband, then there is a chance that it will help.

Ella, Thanks for the detailed feedback (even rather the story) about the use of the drug Xarelto. I read it with interest.
Hello. After childbirth, thrombosis of the lower extremities. Propyl Xarelto 6 months 20 mg once a day. On the uzi, thrombi "fused" to the veins (in the form of flat plaques), in some places scars from blood clots. The doctor gradually abolished the drug. Now I constantly wear only compression jersey - 2 class. After some time, my legs began to hurt again. Whether there is a sense to spend on drink a course for preventive maintenance (uzi while to do or make there is no opportunity - I live abroad) and in what dosage? Thank you.
anitaIf the symptoms are similar to those that were previously experienced with thrombosis and for which the Xarelto drug was used, then you can start taking pills at a dose of 20 mg, but I doubt that someone abroad will sell you without a prescription (and accordingly a doctor's consultation) this medicine.And on one of the symptoms to orientate, too, it is not entirely correct, in the last resort, ultrasound of the vessels and abroad will do.
Xarelto accept 5 months, appointed for life. The condition improved significantly (they were appointed after a heart attack). The drug is good for everyone except the price!
Hello! Diagnosis of the body. Month I accept Xarelto. Repeated CT scan, after 3 months. So I have another two months to take the drug? There is no pulmonary physician in the district, and the deadline for admission is not specified.
Andrey Saltykov, There is a suspicion that taking Xarelto you will be much more than you invented 4 months. It's from experience. But make a tomography, maybe something doctors and change in treatment.
Hello! I was assigned to Xarelto in connection with thrombosis of the saphenous vein. After the onset of admission, the condition improved. Can the receptionxarelto 2 tablets of 15 cause microhematuria (2-4 erythrocyte in the field of vision)? Or do I need to think about some serious (scared) disease - for example, oncology of the bladder or kidneys? Thank you.
Irina1958For the time being, we leave aside the oncology, there is a more probable cause. Hematuria Xarelto can quite provoke, as a side effect of taking this drug. So to the doctor who has appointed or nominated to you this medicine, it is necessary to address and especially not to tighten. You may need to adjust the dosage or substitute the drug for another. To cancel independently Xarelto with your diagnosis I would not advise, a thrombosis is serious.
I have atrial fibrillation with atrial fibrillation, after a stroke, Warfarin was assigned, I was 1.5, transferred to Xarelto 20. I have been drinking Xarelto for 4 months already. On personal initiative, I checked the MNE, because doctors say that control is not required. INR 0.9. What should be the INR when taking Xarelto?
Tatyana, Listen to the doctors. When you receive Xarelto, the analysis of MNO is not necessary. This drug does not affect the indices of PTI and INR.
Hello! My first diagnosis was an acute thrombophlebitis of the left leg, and an emergency operation was performed. A few days later entered the gastrocnemius muscle, when she went to take the stitches, complained of pain, did the uzi, and the second diagnosis - thrombosis of the popliteal, femoral vein on the same leg. They put him in the hospital for treatment. Before discharge, the doctor appointed Xarelto. 4 pills I took in the hospital, it was all good. After I took the 4th, on that day I was discharged, and in the evening at home I found small spotting from the genital tract and rectum. Today I took the 5th pill, and in the evening the discharge intensified. Prior to this, the menstrual period ended several days before the drug was taken. Is it a pity? And what should I do? Are these bleeding scary? Can they stop? Thanks in advance for the answer!
Thanks for the distinct answer.
stasya1989, Urgently address to the doctor. Perhaps the dosage of Xarelto is not right and this is the reason for an emergency call to a specialist to adjust the therapy (reduce dosage or discontinue the drug).
Hello! It's just that there really is not enough money to buy xarelto. It's very expensive for me. And since I still buy three packs of allapinin for a month for five hundred and more rubles, I have not been able to buy a xarelto this month. These drugs were prescribed to me three years ago by cardiologist-arrhythmologist about atrial fibrillation with atrial fibrillation. The condition is excellent for all the years, there are practically no interruptions.
There was a couple of times a bleeding from the nose, (do not stop - the ambulance came), but then against a background of increased blood pressure.
Very much now I experience because of the termination or discontinuance of reception of tablets of the. Saw of 20 mg, when they began to end divided in half. Then she began to take a half a day later (and so you can?). To the cardiologist has entered, but reception not soon, the competent advice or council can calm me while. Will not trouble happen.
It would be interesting to know if a doctor can completely abolish the xarelto if the condition is stable.
lsome, The arrhythmologist most likely will not cancel. If arrhythmia persists is an increased risk of thrombosis and no one assumes such responsibility for the patient's health. You also need to understand that a blood clot can lead to a stroke or a heart attack as the most formidable complications, this is a probability - it can come off, or it may not. Preparations significantly reduce risks, because they are appointed. Of course, if the patient does not pull the drug for money, an adequate replacement is needed, perhaps domestic production, but this is drugs from other pharmacological groups (there is no direct analogue of Xarelto in Russia) and you can not appoint such an analog remotely.
Well, you have to not take and take risks before visiting a doctor. I'll still eat products that dilute the blood, read that there are such. Thank you for the answer.
Oksana (Yekaterinburg)
Hello! My mom underwent an operation on the hip joint. The doctor said to spend a month drinking xarelto, but her itch started on the second day. What to do?
Oksana (Yekaterinburg), Go to the doctor and decide whether to replace the drug with another one. I do not advise doing this myself. If the itching is tolerable, then it's easy to endure until the end of the prescribed Xarelto period prescribed by the doctor.
Is there a risk of developing new blood clots when treating xarelto?
Hello! I have a long time (one and a half years) on the recommendation of doctors regularly take the drug xarelto (20 mg per day). A recent clinical analysis of blood notes I have an increased rate of ESR (36 at a rate of 1-15). Could this be a consequence of this prolonged reception of the xarello or some other reason?
The drug is vital. Accepts a close relative, the 3rd year.We observe the symptoms of irritability that have appeared and become more frequent with time, a tendency to scandal, a long discussion and evaluation of quarrels, obsessive discontent, the need for loud negative situations in relation to him. The state of chronic stress.
leshka2222There is always a risk, but with Xarelto the probability of such an outcome is significantly reduced. There is no such pill that would guarantee a 100% cure.

3480-119hLu, I advise you to search with your doctor for inflammatory processes in your body. It is doubtful that the use of Xarelto's drug could lead to an increase in the index of ESR, there are no side effects of this, in practice I also did not come across this.
Mom was prescribed xarelto 20 mg. It takes 2 weeks and two weeks does not stop diarrhea. We have read that this is a side effect. But how to be?
Against the background of the adoption of xarelto, uterine bleeding began, which could not be stopped in the hospital for a week. The drug was completely canceled.Prior to this, a thrombosis of the sulphurous veins of the extremity was diagnosed, 6% of the tela. On the 8th day the bleeding was conservatively stopped. I'm afraid to get out of bed, because running again.
missdodoSuch questions only through the attending physician of the patient, because it is necessary to know the diagnosis and the patient's medical history, as a result of which the drug was appointed to make decisions about the change of Xarelto to another medicine. And yes 2 weeks of diarrhea is a lot and will have to change the treatment regimen, this is an abnormal situation. Independently, do not cancel the medicine, you can make it worse for your mother and you will have more serious problems than diarrhea.
At me paroksizmalnaja a fibrillation of auricles, AV blockade 1 st, passing BLNPG, the cardiologist has appointed or nominated xarello 20 in the evening, and it is necessary to me from a heel spur to inject diprospana. Are these drugs compatible?
GALIHA, This combination is acceptable. According to the instruction of negative side effects with the joint use of drugs Xarelto and Diprospan should not be.
63 years old diagnosis {I48.X} Atrial fibrillation and flutter. Registered 1 xarelto 20 mg once a day every evening at one time.
I would like to know what objective indicators can indicate that the Xarelto has fulfilled its function and there is no need for its further appointment?
dr.mike, As fibrillation and fluttering pass, then Xarelto's reception can be canceled, but usually it is so lucky for units and similar drugs are taken constantly. Appointment for your own good, so that the chaotic rhythm of the heart does not knock out clots, which then can cause a heart attack or stroke.
To me of 39 years, one year ago in a groin the thrombus was formed, after reanimation have appointed or nominated warfarin to drink year. Six months later, until my stomach became very ill, I switched to ksarelto 20. I drink before going to bed.
How long should I take the medicine now? How to stop drinking? Reduce the dose? I sometimes miss the day and feel great when there is a heaviness in the location of the thrombus, I drink a pill and everything passes very quickly.
I want to become pregnant, the gynecologist said that the first thing is to cure the leg and not to take pills, but only then think about the child. The cause of the thrombus was from the change of birth control pills and + fat-burning tablets when doing sports.
Alik, In the presence of thrombus in the vessels, treatment should be performed regularly, as recommended by the treating doctor. This all seriously and improperly performing the medical recommendations can lead to the development of a heart attack or stroke as the most formidable complications of thrombophlebitis. So, to cancel the treatment, you need to contact your doctor who will evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy (hand over the biochemical blood test for the parameters of thrombolysis and thrombus development if the doctor deems it necessary to prescribe you a coronary angiography) and cancel or recommend further taking Xarelto. It is too early to talk about pregnancy, this is a serious risk for both you and the fetus.
Diagnosis - Thrombophlebitis in the left leg. I take Xarelto 20mg a second month.After taking one month, the thrombus was, as it was, and remained. According to the attending physician, the reception of Xarelto will give a result after 3-4 months. Taking a pill every day, bleeding from the gums increased. I take a pill every other day and the bleeding becomes mild.
Hello. I want to ask what I should do. During pregnancy there were 3 episodes of deep vein thrombosis, started at week 8, after 3 times before birth, the fractosiparin pricked, gave birth itself. After the birth of 2 months, Fraksiparin, then switched to warfarin. She fed the child for a year, and then began to drink xarelto. Has handed over analyzes in Barnaul on a mutation of genes have revealed nothing. I want to stop drinking xarelto, the hematologist does not specifically say anything, like to decide for myself. Help, please, advice.
Tatyana, Find an adequate specialist, surgeon, phlebologist, cardiologist, who is in your city who will understand the specific problem and will be able to take the responsibility to cancel taking the drug Xarelto or to continue receiving it by the patient.To confirm the theories, biochemical analyzes are also needed, which show the condition of already existing thrombi (their decay or recanalization) and the potential for the formation of new ones, but this will be assigned to you by the doctor at the internal reception.
Can I use xarelto with an artificial heart valve?
galena, Safety and efficacy of Xarelto in patients with artificial heart valves have not been studied, therefore, there is no evidence that the use of Xarelto provides sufficient anticoagulant effect in this category of patients.
I take Xarelto the first month. Diagnosis: acute thrombophlebitis of the lower leg. There are no side effects yet. Is the drug compatible with antiviral drugs?
denfil_5, Specify the specifics, to whom and antibiotics antiviral drugs, although this is an erroneous statement.Remantadine can be used while taking Xarelto. See the specific drug in the drug interaction, if it is not there, then you probably can use it. Probably because rare or new drugs, it is possible, do not have clinical data on use with Xarelto and it is necessary to look whether reception is possible. In any case, a doctor's recommendation is needed.
a lion
Grandmother takes this drug for a year. A thrombus on the leg. My leg was very sore. Its OK now. Dosage was prescribed 10 mg. In pharmacies 10 mg. and 20 mg. are approximately the same. I correctly understood that you can 20mg. to divide a tablet in half? 2 times cheaper goes. The drug is expensive.
a lion, Xarelto tablets are coated with a film sheath that will break down during division, plus there is no dividing risk, which implies heterogeneous dosages of the halves in the division (it will not be exactly divided, say, 9 mg in one day, 11 mg in the other). So no one can predict the possible effects of such manipulation for this medication.
He suffered pancreonecrosis.Has received a thrombosis of veins of the lower extremities. Have appointed or nominated xarello, have spent on drink 3 months, now voices of doctors were divided.
Since September I have received Xarelto / atrial fibrillation / anemia increases with each analysis. Muscular weakness increased, dyspnea. Though attacks of an arrhythmia are obviously lost.
Hello. I underwent PE in the context of taking oral contraceptives as prescribed by a doctor. The doctor did not warn that you need to take a blood test for clotting. Drank warfarin for two weeks. There were no seizures in the hospital, everything was fine. It was discharged, at first there were pains in the chest, lack of oxygen. Again I went to the hospital, because there was a rapid heartbeat and all was shaking. After I moved to xarelto, it became easier one week, the second began to wake up at night, my heart was beating wildly, pressure was raised to 150. After discharge she wrote a diploma, experienced, and sat for a long time. Attacks appear only at night. I wake up for no reason, then the feeling of fear begins, in the daytime I feel myself incomprehensible from the psychological side, this feeling is losing my mind as if.Tell me, how does xarello affect the brain? Does it affect the hormonal background? Could this be due to a drug or thyroid? And whether the doctor made a monstrous mistake that he did not prescribe tests for coagulation, when I passed the tests initially only to hormones? Saw 7 months Yarinu, then without interruption she switched to Yarina's analogue - Christie, he drank for 5 months, then took a break for 3 months and started taking Christie for 1 month and on the second abruptly stopped on 18 tablet because of PE. Thank you.
Anna333Of course, taking tests for coagulability in the appointment of oral contraceptives and periodically monitor it is necessary and your example of this confirmation. It's just that not every polyclinic does such analysis, and if it does, their value is high, so our doctors do not appoint them, they hope for a chance and your example of what this randomness leads to.

As for Xarelto and insomnia, feelings of fear, I have not observed this for my patients, and there have not been any similarities in the side effects of the instruction. Perhaps, tachycardia attacks cause these symptoms, this side effect can be noted when taking Xarelto.Given your situation, I advise you to contact a cardiologist for a full-time consultation, he may be able to change the treatment scheme to an acceptable for your health and well-being.
Hello. I wanted to know about the xarelto tablets. Is it possible to stop taking this drug abruptly?
Thanks for the answer. I have one more question, the fact is that when I passed the biochemical blood test at the time of taking xarelto, I had an increase in direct bilirubin (in the value of 6.2). I take xarelto for a month and 7 days, during this time, direct bilirubin rose by 1.2. Also on the uzi of the abdominal cavity a hypotonic, labilely deformed gallbladder in the neck region was revealed, the spleen was slightly enlarged, and small diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma were observed. I also have chronic gastritis. Now I started eating on schedule without harmful foods. Tell me, please, if I continue to take xarelto, what complications does this threaten me? Can I continue to drink xarelto? My course of treatment is 3 months in general.The point is, as I wrote above, my doctors put PE on the background of hormonal tablets, but there was no analysis of the tolerability of this drug, that is, the true cause has not yet been found. I wanted to do an analysis of the tolerability of the drug specifically to identify the effects of side effects, but all unsuccessfully, I'm told that drugs for tolerability can be checked if they are liquid or powdery, not tablets. Tell me, what is the name of the analysis to identify the effects on the body of side effects? Is there any? Thank you.
Anna333, Allergic tests put on drugs, and to establish that the hormonal contraceptive in your case was the cause of PE is now possible only indirectly, given the possibility of thrombosis with this group of drugs. So it is unequivocal to understand the reason, get the truth and let's sue someone in your case is impossible, even if you are a doctor.

From the side of the liver and the level of bilirubin, I see no obvious problems. Yes, there is lethargy of the gallbladder, diffuse and implicit organ changes on the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, so a healthy lifestyle,restrictions in nutrition at excess weight (weight is not specified), prohibition of alcohol and smoking are shown. But Xarelto at these rates of replacement or cancellation is not due, because of the written in the question, I do not see such reasons. The drug is significant for your health at this stage, the more the course of therapy is prescribed for them not long.

Tatyana, Can. This drug does not cause withdrawal syndrome and there should not be negative side effects if there is a sudden discontinuation. The question of the cancellation of Xarelto is to be solved with the attending physician based on the results of the studies on the effectiveness of antithrombotic therapy.
TCC 70 years
After 8 years of taking warfarin nycomed (atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation), he was given the full program. Taking it without one quart on 2 tablets daily. Now the second month has passed to xarelto 10 mg, moreover, the cost of 20 mg of a penny per penny is equal to the cost of 10 mg of identical packaging. In addition, 10 mg only promised to give an unknown when. They advised us to take the top ten. On the back of each tablet there are two risks with a brand of the manufacturer, which, it turns out, is divided into 2 times - cheaper by 2 times and exactly by the doses (earned from cardiologists "excellent").But I have a question: today I forgot to split the pill and drank a whole 20 mg, accidentally. Tomorrow I do not have to drink xarelto or drink 10 mg? Please, answer me, please. Thankful in advance for your answer.
TCC 70 years, Take the next day the usual 10 mg. The terrible thing should not happen (not the dose for an overdose), but follow the condition for a couple of days.
Good afternoon. In history, deep vein thrombosis of the right limb (2007), and pulmonary embolism (2011). Hereditary thrombophilia.
Since 2011, I constantly take xarelto 20mg once a day.
Now I found out that I'm pregnant. The time is short. The doctor of the women's consultation knows nothing about this drug, sends a consultation to the hematologist. Record only after 3 weeks !!! (And it's paid (((
How to be? Cancel yourself xarelto? Go to Clexane? Before the visit to the hematologist.
How does xarelto affect the fetus? Is there any real data?
Irina22, Xarelto during pregnancy is toxic to the mother's body (although the research is still ongoing), so it is not worth using. Clexane in this regard is a more tolerable drug. The truth is whether it is enough in your case difficult to understand, given that serious problems with thrombosis were in the past. In general, it is necessary to get to the hematologist urgently.
Good afternoon. Prompt please, mum 4 years belittles ksarelto 20 mg. Today my husband mistakenly bought 15 mg. How should I take it in this case? One tablet or add another 1/3?
Nat-0606, Shell pills, like Xarelto is not recommended to divide. Especially the exact dosage in 1/3 you still do not divide, and given the effect of this drug, perhaps this is a critical time. Better buy the necessary dosage of the drug or as an option there are still tablets of 2.5 mg can take three tablets: 15 mg + 2.5 mg + 2.5 mg.
I took xarelto for 1 year and 3 months, there was a strong bleeding of the stomach.During the reception of xarelto, permanent bruises on the body for 4-6 pieces. She started taking the cardiomagnet, the bruises were gone. A pacemaker is installed. Diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.
I take the drug for 2 weeks because of TGB. The chair after 1 tablet turned black, is this normal?
Tatyana, This is a dangerous symptom, if you do not take any other drugs or products that darken the stool. Can indicate latent bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. Please consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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