Fenistil - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (drops, gel or ointment, cream Penzivir, capsules 4 mg) of the drug for the treatment of allergies in adults, children (including breast and newborns) and in pregnancy

Fenistil - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (drops, gel or ointment, cream Penzivir, capsules 4 mg) of the drug for the treatment of allergies in adults, children (including breast and newborns) and in pregnancy

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Fenistil. There are reviews of visitors to the site - consumers of this medication, as well as opinions of doctors specialists on the use of Fenistil in their practice. A big request is to actively add their feedback on the drug: the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, which were observed complications and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues Fenistila in the presence of existing structural analogues.Use to treat various forms of allergy and skin itching in adults, children (including infants and newborns), as well as during pregnancy and lactation.


Fenistil - blocker of histamine H1 receptors. Has antiallergic and antipruritic effect. Reduces the increased permeability of capillaries, associated with allergic reactions.


It has an anti-bradykinin and a weak m-holin-blocking effect. When taking the drug during the day, there may be a minor sedative effect.




After intake, absorbed quickly and fairly fully. Metabolised in the liver by hydroxylation and methoxylation. It is excreted with bile and urine (90% in the form of metabolite, 10% in unchanged form).


Penetrating into the cells infected with the virus, penciclovir quickly passes into penciclovir triphosphate, which has pharmacological activity and persists in the affected cells for 12 hours.



  • allergic diseases (hives, hay fever, year-round allergic rhinitis, food and drug allergies, angioedema);
  • skin itching of various origin (eczema, other itching dermatoses / incl.atopic dermatitis /, itching with chicken pox, measles, rubella, insect bites);
  • prevention of allergic reactions during hyposensitizing therapy.


Forms of release


Drops for oral administration.


Gel or ointment for external use 0,1%.


Cream for external use 1%.


Capsules of prolonged action 4 mg Fenistil 24.


Instructions for use and dosage




Inside, locally. Inside adults and children over 12 years of age - 20-40 drops (1-2 mg) 3 times a day; children from 1 month to 12 years - 0.1 mg / kg / day, divided into 3 doses (1 month - 1 year - 10-30, 1-3 years - 30-45, 3-12 years - 45-60 drops per day). With a tendency to drowsiness, 2/3 of the daily dose is taken in the evening and 1/3 - in the morning during breakfast.


Gel, ointment or cream


Locally - apply the gel to the affected skin areas 2-4 times a day. In cases of severe itching or widespread infection, simultaneous administration of drops is recommended.




Adults and children aged 12 years and over are prescribed 1 capsule 1 time per day. The capsule should be taken in the evening. Swallow whole, without chewing. With a replacement schedule, the drug should be taken before bedtime. The duration of treatment should not exceed 25 days.


Side effect

  • drowsiness (especially at the beginning of treatment);
  • dizziness;
  • excitation;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • dryness in the pharynx;
  • edema;
  • skin rash;
  • muscle spasm.



  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hyperplasia of the prostate;
  • children under 1 month;
  • pregnancy (1 trimester);
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to dimethindene and other components that make up the drug.


Application in pregnancy and lactation


Fenistil is contraindicated in pregnancy (in the first trimester) and during lactation.


The use of Fenistil during pregnancy (in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters) is possible under the supervision of a doctor, only if the expected benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus.


special instructions


Do not expose the drops to high temperatures.


When appointing infants, they should be added to a bottle of warm baby food just before feeding. If the child is already fed from a spoon, the drops can be given undiluted. Drops have a pleasant taste.


When using Fenistila in children under 1 year should consult a doctor and apply only if there is evidence of the use of blockershistamine H1 receptors.


Do not exceed the recommended dose.


The drug is not effective for itching associated with cholestasis.


Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms


Fenistil can weaken attention, so it should be taken with caution when driving, working with machinery, or in other types of work that require increased attention.


Drug Interactions


Fenistil enhances the action of anxiolytics and hypnotics.


With simultaneous administration with Fenistil ethanol (alcohol) there is a slowing down of the rate of psychomotor reactions.


MAO inhibitors increase the anticholinergic and inhibitory effect on the central nervous system.


Tricyclic antidepressants and m-holinoblokatory increase the risk of increased intraocular pressure.


Analogues of the drug Fenistil


Structural analogs for the active substance:

  • Vectavir.

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Reviews (9):
Fenistil gel very well helped us in the hike, when mosquitoes and mosquitoes bite on the first night in a tent so that there is no living place left. So itchy everything, right up to the pain, swelled up and the blisters began to merge. It was unbearable. Anointed with Fenistil for the first time and immediately felt better, more more, the blisters began to lighten (from bright red to pink) and then the swelling began to decrease. The itch remained after a couple of hours, after smearing, but as a whole was already tolerated. They came as people, and not like swollen pigs.
Mama Lena
Our girl recently began to develop a rash on her face, which was very itchy. Our pediatrician advised us to take antihistamines and we took Fenistil in her drops on her advice. Already on the second night my daughter fell asleep calmly and we fell asleep, since the itch no longer disturbed her and slept until morning. They did not taste the taste, but the duchess took them with stoic calm, especially when she realized that after them she was really better. Here we are such good fellows :)
He went to the woods, cooked the porridge, so that the birthday of a friend should be celebrated properly. So mosquitoes, rascals such, bitten, that my mother does not grieve! In the morning I went home, it was scratched, I hardly left the counter and did not crash into the milk truck - as the body scratched, that he let go of the steering wheel. There is no rest from mosquitoes. Right now with fenistilom smear. Gel something good. I think that now I will not be injured in an accident, because it relieves it of the itch in a minute.
Quite often I give myself a vow not to leave the house, if in the medicine cabinet fenistil does not lie. but this is not always possible to control. therefore I get ... I went to the suburbs and on you - from somewhere on the top a cloud of squeaky insects and let's bite. You can not even remember about them without an incident, and there are no problems with fenistil, smeared the affected area of ​​the skin - it does not itch and does not blush - lepota!
Yes, we, too, are not just going to the dacha, let alone hiking without special means from the mosquito, we are not saving the repellent, we constantly have to bite fresh bites, otherwise you'll disappear, the main thing is that he leaves no trace on his clothes, it's not terrible that you will return to the city in the stuffed rags.A tent recommended before going to bed to check for the mosquito and close the grid in it is necessary, through the grid, it is not even easy to get through the grid if you have a modern tent.
I scraped from mosquito bites, as before, nothing helped me with fenistil gel, although I smeared them regularly, several times a day. But until the blood is not combed, until then nothing has helped.
We came to our friends to visit the dacha, everything is fine, and my son ALL artificeed not a single white speck. Everyone is playing, running around, and my little son is sitting and crying and itches, itches, itches. One mom got us Fenistil Gel from her medicine cabinet. Anointed and immediately ceased to itch and the son could play with other children. Now this remedy is also in our cosmetic bag.
I do not consider fenistil effective for such a price. There are cheaper and no worse than, and even better, agents with a cooling and antipruritic effect. For this price, the drug should act immediately, and they have to smear for several days before the result. With the same success can handle and ordinary baking soda.
Ear ring
Expensive and ineffective. And from mosquitoes vanilla with Vodka saves))

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